
我是只能說翻譯把歌詞翻譯的真好   寫的非常動人
不過主唱 唱這首歌很有感情   超好聽的

凱特瑪露 最靠近瘋狂的距離  <-----這裡可以連結看到MV
這個布洛格的版主   寫了很多凱特瑪露的事


 How can I think I’m standing strong,      我怎能還能站的住?

Yet feel the air beneath my feet?         即使雙腳已經麻木?

How can happiness feel so wrong?       幸福怎會是一種錯誤?

How can misery feel so sweet         痛苦怎麼如此甜美?


How can you let me watch you sleep,     你怎能讓我望著你沉睡

Then break my dreams the way you do?   卻又狠狠敲碎了我的夢?

How can I have got in so deep?          我怎能陷得如此深?

Why did I fall in love with you?           我怎還如此愛著你?

 This is the closest thing to crazy          這是我有始以來

I have ever been,                       最靠近瘋狂的距離

Feeling twenty-two, acting seventeen,     心已22, 舉止卻像17

This is the nearest thing to crazy          這是我懂事以來

I have ever know,                       最靠近瘋狂的距離

I was never crazy on my own:            我從未如此 瘋狂地傻過


And now I know,                        現在我懂了

That there’s a link between the two,       這兩者之間的關連

Being close to craziness                 越是靠近瘋狂

And being close to you.                  就越是靠近你

 How can you make me fall apart         你怎能讓我心碎遍地

Then break my fall with loving lies?       又再用謊言讓我墜落?

It’s so easy to break a heart;             你如此輕易傷了我的心

It’s so easy to close your eyes.           如此輕易讓我為愛盲目

 How can you treat me like a child         你怎能待我像孩子般地哄

Yet like a child I yearn for you?           而我竟讓你玩弄於股掌間?

How can anyone feel so wild?            愛怎讓人 如此心煩意亂?

How can anyone feel so blue?           愛怎讓人 如此鬱鬱寡歡?

 This is the closest thing to crazy          這是我有始以來

I have ever been,                       最靠近瘋狂的距離

Feeling twenty-two, acting seventeen,     心已22, 舉止卻像17

This is the nearest thing to crazy          這是我懂事以來

I have ever know,                       最靠近瘋狂的距離

I was never crazy on my own:            我從未如此 瘋狂地傻過

 And now I know,                        現在我懂了

That there’s a link between the two,       這兩者之間的關連

Being close to craziness                 越是靠近瘋狂

And being close to you.                  就越是靠近你

Katie Melua 真情歌手  凱特瑪露  The Closest Thing To Crazy   最靠近瘋狂的距離




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